Prime Time Senior Adult Ministries serves those in their pre and post-retirement years. We want to help make this the best time of your life. If you are at least 50 years old or have been 50 several years in a row, we would love for you to be part of our Prime Time Senior Adult Ministry.
The Senior Adult Ministry at CFC provides opportunities to express your gifts to benefit the church and to maintain and build meaningful friendships. Senior Adults are a valuable resource vital to the health and growth of our church ministries. Among these are wisdom, experience, stability, spiritual maturity, and love for their church and church family. It is certainly true, among mature adults as much as it is among other adult groups, that adulthood is a journey, not a destination.
The second Tuesday of every month at 11:30 am, CFC Prime Time meets at a different restaurant for a time of fellowship and food. Call 214-587-5672 for more information.